◊ Next 24 loudspeakers were added to our JBL VT 4888 sound system at the beginning of the 2011 season.
We have an impressive number of 96 modules at our disposal which is enough, according to the sound prediction software used, to ensure full sound coverage in almost all Polish venues including performances at all stadiums and to do so in accordance with the art of sound system design. The announcement of the introduction of the 5th version of presets for JBL VT4888, ensuring even better sound, speeded up the decision to purchase next Vt4888 loudspeakers. We were informed that the fifth version of the software largely eliminated phase problems and that the improvement in the sound quality was as big as after introducing the last V4 DSP software. New replaceable and compatible mid-high tone waveguides will be prepared as soon as the new presets is launched.
